Peryodiko Feb gig lineup

Guess what? My favorite Dancel brother, Kuya Vin has a new band! The front man of the now defunct (and to my opinion under-appreciated) Twisted Halo, Vin Dancel (also of Admit One Productions) re-emerges in the Pinoy rock scene with his new band, Peryodiko. Here is the group’s gig lineup for February.

Feb 2 – Big Sky Mind
Feb 17 – Admit One at saGuijo
Feb 23 – Rock Ed Bicol Benefit at the Ateneo
Feb 27 – saGuijo Play4Serve

Source: The Construct

Author: Flori

… is virtually a free spirit who loves independent movies, literature, graphic novels, pop culture, music (especially indie rock and jazz), food, cooking, vintage fashion, and Alpha Males. Read more Flori melodrama on Short Term Effect .

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