Ghost Hunting with your DS

Ghost Hunting with your DS

The Nintendo DSi has been released a few months back, but I haven’t had the urge to buy one since I already have a DS Lite, and there are no new games in the market that utilize the new features. Until now. Ghostwire is an augmented-reality game that let’s you hunt ghosts using your Nintendo DSi. According to developer A Different Game, Your portable device is used as a portal to the astral plane, and helps you find and...

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Adult entertainment comes to PS3

Adult entertainment comes to PS3

And whoever said that video games are for kids? If you are a geek who happens to be a connoisseur of sensual entertainment, then this news is one for the ages. Pr0n has finally arrived to the PlayStation 3. Well, sure the PS3 has always been capable of playing back a lot of media formats including those NSFW media files. We’re talking about direct to PS3 distribution here. Japan’s announced that it will be offering...

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NHL 2K10: Shoot while down on the ice teaser

NHL 2K10: Shoot while down on the ice teaser

EA Sports has hit some pretty awful ruts in their games (probably with the exception of NHL and FIFA titles). Any decent gamer would go for the 2K titles. The level of realism and fluidity and accuracy of the animation in the 2K titles are just awesome. Now with the new sports season coming in a few months, you might be asking what improvements can these sports games will offer. Take hockey for example. Will the game eventually...

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Ozaki iCoat

Ozaki iCoat

With iPhone sales really doing well with the release of the iPhone 3G S, Ozaki would like to have a piece of that market as well. So far, the company has been releasing iPhone accessory after iPhone accessory. Remember the iPill? Anyway, this here’s another one of their accessories – the iCoat Wardrobe. Ozaki adds color to your iPhone with the release of the iCoat Wardrobe series. It comes in 2 sets–for him, and for...

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Nintendo DS gets a piano

Nintendo DS gets a piano

Music sims are much better with tabletop consoles. The Guitar Hero pack for the Nintendo DS was a pretty decent attempt and Rock Revolution and Ultimate Band made good use of the touch pad but they can’t get any better than playing Guitar Hero or Rock Band on a Wii/PS2/Xbox. Anyway, for DS gamers, you might be content with existing titles but those who have been lucky enough to be forced by parents to take piano lessons might be...

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Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta released

With Fallout 3 tapping into the nostalgia of PC gamers from the late 90s/ early 2000s and introducing new gamers to the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout, Bethesda seems to be really milking it. And why not? Fallout 3 took years in the making and was put on hold for quite a number of times. Heck. It even saw the demise of original publisher Interplay and Black Isle Studios. Anyway, this here’s Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta. It is...

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