G.I. Joe rakes in big bucks

G.I. Joe rakes in big bucks

Other Sugoi staff members might not share my sentiments regarding G.I. The Rise of Cobra but it was awful. Sure it had a lot of explosions and some good action but a sketchy storyline and unestablished and undeveloped characterizations blew it for me. What a way to disappoint a guy who grew up loving G.I. Joe as a kid. Channing Tatum as Duke was basically a robot. Marlon Wayans as Ripcord came off as a teen movie token black guy...

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Stark Industries is hiring!

Stark Industries is hiring!

Do you think you got what it takes to make it to work for Tony Stark? Stark Industries is hiring. Just visit this online application form. If you want to apply, you better know the answer to the following questions: What term describes the superposition of two or more waves resulting in a new wave pattern? Please briefly describe your most heroic act A plane flying past a non-moving observer has kinetic energy in the reference frame...

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Futurama cast to return?

Futurama cast to return?

Good news, everyone! Well, sure Futurama is set for a 26-episode deal meaning Matt Groening and David X. Cohen’s work will again give us some 31st century laughs. However, doubt was cast on the return of its original cast. Rumors were abound in Comic-Con that the veteran Futurama voice cast failed to reach an agreement with producers on pay rates leading everyone to believe that a new cast will be hired to work on the comeback...

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New pictures from Iron Man 2 set

New pictures from Iron Man 2 set

Superhero Hype just came out with a couple of pictures from the Iron Man 2 set. This first one shows Robert Downey Jr. (who play Tony Stark/Iron Man) looking over a mock-up model of some place. Can’t quite make out the details but it’s supposed to be the plans for the Stark Expo complex. This second one shows him working on his computer. Visible behind him are his armor suits! These include the original Mark I armor, the...

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Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 trailers

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 trailers

Owners of current-gen gaming consoles should start saving up for this one. Even if Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 is just as good as the first one, it still guarantees to be a treat. Even more so if you’re a certified comic book junkie. The gameplay follows its predecessor where players can choose four characters to use throughout the game. Being an action RPG, the characters level up as the player progresses through the game. As...

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Alice in Wonderland movie trailer

Alice in Wonderland movie trailer

If there’s any director who I think will pull off an Alice in Wonderland, it’d be Tim Burton. There might not be a more surreal and more playful director today than Burton and he’s just the kind of creative mind that a demented story such as Alice in Wonderland needs. Just think of Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Sweeney Todd. Thank goodness, they’ve tapped him to do the job. Just to show...

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